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2023 Mustang Move-A-Thon

Mustang Move-A-Thon

We are excited to announce that this year we will be holding a two-week long MOVE-A-THON. Children can begin fundraising Friday, February 24 and they can start tracking their movement minutes on March 3. Friday March 10 Friday March 17 will be the culminating event on the MUS track!

An annual favorite for MUS families, Move-a-Thon teaches our kiddos about the benefits of community activism and physical fitness in a two-week event! Our children have the opportunity to reach out to loved ones, friends, and neighbors to raise money for our community jewel that is MUS and to tie that money raised to the number of minutes they can move.

Everyone wins…MUSF receives valuable funds for its mission of underwriting cherished programming and resources for the school, and our kids come home with a little extra energy burned off! Here are some of the programs that benefit from Move-a-Thon donations:

  • Art at Lunch
  • Staff Appreciation Luncheon
  • Back to School Picnic
  • Volunteer Appreciation Event
  • Community Building Events
  • Enchanted Evening Dance
  • 6th Grade Graduation Reception and Party
  • Running Club
  • Lounge Fairy Events
  • MUS Musical
  • Teacher Classroom grants
  • Library materials
  • Musical instruments
  • MUS Grant Requests
  • Poet and Artist in Residence
  • African Drumming – Sowah

Here’s How it Works:

IT’S SIMPLE: Scan the QR code on the flyer we sent home in Friday folders on February 24th. This will take you to your child's classroom page. This link can be shared by your child with family and friends to help raise money for the event. You can also choose your classroom by clicking this link. You can also choose to make a donation to a specific child or children by checking their names. They will get credit for every dollar raised!


  • February 24 – children can start fundraising!
  • March 3 – children can start tracking their movement minutes!
  • March 17 at 8AM all minutes must be logged and fundraising in for it to count towards our class contests.
  • March 10 March 17 – Move-a-Thon culminating event on the MUS track. Come cheer your children on!
  • Friday, April 14th- 11:15-12:45- Party for kids who raised over $500.
    Bouncy obstacle course in the nature lab, pizza and ice cream sundae bar
  • Friday, April 21st - Kona ice Truck or Pizza Party whichever the two winning classes choose.

Fundraising Ideas and FAQ’s:

  • Film an iMovie for family and friends sharing your efforts and asking them to pledge.
  • Have a lemonade stand or a bake sale and let all your customers know that all proceeds go to the MUS Move-a-Thon fundraiser.
  • In MUS’ ongoing efforts to go “green,” we encourage everyone to donate online.
  • For any cash or check collections, please include students name, note Move-a-Thon, and give to your classroom teacher.
  • All contributions are tax-deductible! The MUSF tax ID # is 95-3609133.
  • Please remember to accompany your children when they are gathering donations. Be sure to remind your children to go with a parent or friend and only approach people they know.

Movement Ideas:

  • This is a student-centered event, and all MUS students will be encouraged to get donations for their Move-a-Thon movement minutes.
  • A video of approved movement minutes and not approved movement minutes will be coming before the Move portion of Move-a-Thon begins. Running, walking the dog, swimming, surfing, playing soccer, basketball, baseball and football all count. We won't list every activity because there are so many ways to move and be active. Some obvious things won't be counted. This includes gaming, being on your phone or computer, etc.
  • Parents, please make sure to support in movement and monitoring logged minutes of your kids.
  • Logging minutes begins on March 3rd until the 14th at 8AM and goes to March 17 at 8AM.


This is a way for classes to also work together as a team! The class that raises the most money and the class that logs the most movement minutes will each receive a class party! Additionally, students that raise over $500 will get a party with Dr. Bruski! Details to come.

Lastly, come cheer on your kids on March 10 March 17 at the culminating Move-a-Thon event! Here is when your children with be running/walking/skipping/ dancing around the MUS track:

8:45 am-9:00 amKindergarten & 1stgrade

9:10 am-9:25 am2nd and 3rd grades

9:35 am-10:00 am4th grade

10:30 am-11:00 am5th grade

11:10 am-11:40 am – 6th grade

We want to offer *special thanks* to our generous T-shirt sponsors:

  • Bunnin Chevrolet Santa Barbara
  • Coldwell Banker: Dana Zertuche & Lori Bowles
  • Donald Briggs & Associates
  • Esbee
  • Kear Groundwater
  • Lemondrop
  • Litchfield Builders
  • Rochon & Kinard
  • Sunset Management Services
  • Wilson Swimming


The Move-a-Thon Mama’s (Jennie Burkart, Kelly Hatchett, and Detra Wilson)

Links & Key Info

Dashboard Logo

New Parent Feature!

Parents - you can now login to your MUS Foundation account, see how much your kids have raised, active minutes logged and who has donated so they know who to thank!

Coming soon - see all your purchases including tickets and donations to MUSF in one place.

Get Started

Our Sponsors

  • Sunset Management Services Logo
  • Litchfield Builders Logo
  • Wilson Swimming Logo
  • Lemondrop Logo
  • Rochon & Kinard Logo
  • Coldwell Banker Realty - Dana Zertuche & Lori Claridge Bowles Logo
  • Esbee Logo
  • Bunnin Santa Barbara Logo
  • Law Offices of Donald L. Briggs Logo
  • Kear Groundwater Logo

T-Shirt Art Submissions

Thank you to all that submitted artwork for our 2023 Move-a-Thon t-shirts. There were many great options. We will announce our winner on March 3rd!
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