Max Bunnin
David Coates
Saeja Cossart
Cameron Crail
Juien Eté
Grace Fuller
Kaya Hernandez
Ananda Johar
Gus Larson
Arlo Melton
Tyler Mohtashemi
Simone Rudnicki
Izzy Tahouri
Melody Toye
Uma Vulliez
Beck Young
Grant Bragg
Isla Cloud
Frankie Cullen
Hazel Delshad
Rosemary Eckhart
Juliet Leggio
Clara Litchfield
Calvin Loughlin
Taj Johar
Cricket Lu McBroom
Avery Sharpton
Ella Sharpton
1st Grade:
Eloise Farrell
Lucas Friedman
Haley Klan
Izzy Tahouri
Charlotte Wittman
Kanani Zertuche
2nd Grade:
Genevieve Bragg
Gwyneth Carty
Otis Eckhart
Charlotte Friedman
Elsa Gray
Selma Jenkins
Amelia Maday
Bronco McBroom
Tyler Mohtashemi
Clara Rudnicki
Luke Rudnicki
Ethan Stad
Katrine Willey
3rd Grade:
David Coates
Gabriella Gamperl
Gianna Leggio
Dylan McLean
Scofield McLean
Elle McCrindle
Maggie Ranii
Charlotte Rottman
Helen Trogan
Gabrielle Waldinger
4th Grade:
Kate Black
Max Bunnin
Saeja Cossart
Cameron Crail
Amelia Dracht
Julien Eté
Grace Fuller
Riley Hyatt
Ananda Johar
Natalie Klan
Alena Kielborn
Raffa Leonello
Anwen Meyer
Ella Osley
Delilah May Rapp
Simone Rudnicki
Sunny Saal
Koa Zertuche
5th Grade:
Katie Duran
Lauren Faletti
Hayden Jones
Gus Larson
Arlo Melton
Melody Toye
6th Grade:
Maddyn Hanacek
Kaya Hernandez
Jack Hyatt
Camilla Joffrey
Eva Rogers
Paloma Rudnicki
Uma Vulliez
Annabelle Waldinger
Beck Young
The show will stream live on May 22nd at 6:30PM. You can watch on your computer or tablet. We recommend streaming to your TV. Depending on your devices, streaming is easy and you can Google for instructions. On an Apple product for example you can either plug in your HDMI cable to your computer or tablet or use Airplay to stream to your Apple TV.
You can buy an access ticket and will be sent a link to see the show. It will stream online and can be viewed in any web browser. For the best experience we recommend streaming from your computer or tablet to your TV.
Absolutely! There are multiple sponsor opportunities available and we can even integrate your brand into the show. Contact to learn more.
Yes. Please let anyone you know that would like to see the show know. This is a fundraiser and supports the Nature Lab at MUS so the more tickets we sell the better!
All participants are current MUS students that submitted videos prior to the May 2nd deadline.
You can access our online auction and start bidding by going here!