2023-24 MUSF Mustang Fund

Download Annual Report

The Mustang Fund is the Montecito Union School Foundation’s (MUSF) annual capital campaign. At the beginning of each school year, the MUSF Board works with the school administration to approve the budget for MUSF-eligible projects. This year we are focused on financing two projects that passed muster for the MUSF Board: updating iLab and modernizing/enhancing the MUS library. Both projects will have clear and immediate impact on our kids learning experience (if you are unfamiliar with these projects please click the link for the Annual Report on the left. The Mustang Fund is a significant source of funds for the approved budget and we ask everyone in our school community to participate with a tax-deductible gift. This year MUSF’s funding needs equate to OUR ASK - $750 PER CHILD.

Annual Giving ensures that MUS continues to be a fantastic school for our children. We rely on your participation to realize our impact goals. Our goal is to average $750 per child and 100% participation. Our goal is attainable with your help and we ask that you give what is significant and meaningful for your family. Whether you are in a position to be generous this year or can only give a little - every dollar and every donation matters and we are grateful for your support.

We are fleshing out details of our inaugural Mustang Circle appreciation event for donors at the $10,000+ level. I expect our first speaker to be a key opinion leader in the science of longevity and look forward to the event. Please join us in donating at a level that is meaningful and significant for your family. Every gift makes a significant difference, ensuring that current and future students benefit from MUS’s model of excellence.

Our Annual Report attests to MUSF’s superior performance last year. The result is the daily learning experience of our children.


Some of our peer schools regularly achieve 100% participation for their annual campaigns. While our teachers, staff and the MUSF Board achieve full participation year after year, historically the MUS community has lagged. We believe the return on donated funds speaks for itself and our ask is fair. If you have questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to myself (Cameron Gray - Cameron@musfoundation.com) or any of the Mustang Fund committee members listed below.


The easiest way to donate is to simply scroll down, decide how much you can give and enter your credit or debit card details.


You can also pay by check by making your check payable to the Montecito Union School Foundation and dropping it off at school. We accept stock transfers and soon will offer ACH transfer from your checking account. You can also Venmo @MUSFoundation.

* Please include your child's grade and teacher in the memo line of Venmo or the check so we can update our participation numbers accordingly and credit your children's grade.

If you would like to pay by check you can also mail it to:

Montecito Union School Foundation
PO Box 5561
Santa Barbara, CA 93150

Make Your Purchase

Please Choose Your Teacher(s)

Please check the box for your child's teacher. If you have more than 1 child at MUS, please check each of their teachers. We will be using this data to track participation by grade level.

Transitional Kindergarten
Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5
Grade 6

Credit Card Information